CHILD Foundation is an operating name of Canadian Health, Immunization and Learning Development Foundation. The Foundation’s purpose is to provide basic health care and health education to underprivileged children and women in rural India.
The Foundation was granted the charitable status by Canada Revenue Agency in 2011 and its registration number is 83380 7803 RR0001.
Annual Fundraiser:
The Foundation held its Second Annual “Maya’s Dream” Fundraiser (Dinner, Dance and Silent Auction) on Thursday, May 15, 2014, at 6:30 PM, at Magnolia Banquet Hall, Calgary. The event was a huge success and it raised over $30,000, enough to pay salary of medical staff at the hospital for the next one year. We wish to thank all sponsors and friends for their generous support.
Rotary Club of Calgary Centennial Events:
Rotary Club of Calgary Centennial (RCCC) is a huge supporter of Maya Devi Charitable Hospital. RCCC is holding two events as follows. We request everybody to support these events:
1. Bleachers Seat tickets – Please visit and order your tickets for Stampede Parade now. Tickets are only $30 each. You will have a wonderful experience.
2. Beatle and Beer event – This is an annual fundraiser of RCCC to be held on June 7 in support of mental health. Please contact me for tickets which are $75 each. You will have a memorable evening.
Foundation’s Objectives
More specifically, the Foundation’s objectives are to provide the following services in rural India on a charitable basis:
- To provide and operate clinics / hospitals that will provide medical care to underprivileged children and women,
- To provide childbirth education classes that focus on issues of family-centered care, preparation for parenting and nutrition,
- To advance health care education by providing scholarships, bursaries, awards and other forms of financial assistance, and
- To undertake activities ancillary and incidental to the attainment of aformentioned charitable purposes.
In collaboration with Rotary Club of Calgary Centennial, Rotary Club of Calgary and many other supporters, the Foundation has built a hospital in the rural community of Sarurpur Kalan, just 50 km North of New Delhi. This 20-bed hospital began to provide essential health care services to women and children on October 2nd, 2011.

Inspiration of ONE; Leadership of MANY; Dream of the COMMUNITY

Village – Sarurpur, India